Resources on Anthropology in REECA Studies in UW-Madison Libraries
Subject Overview Texts
Guides to the Literature
Although there is by no means a well-developed collection, campus libraries contain some materials for researchers interested in Eastern European cultures.
Volume 4 of the Encyclopedia of World Cultures covers central, western, and southeastern Europe, while volume six covers Russia, Eurasia, and China. These volumes provide historical information about ethnic groups, along with current events and basic statistics. More detailed information about ethnic groups in Russia can be found in Narody Rossii: entskilopediia (Peoples of Russia: An Encyclopedia), an ethnological encyclopedia published by Great Russian Encyclopedia Publishers.
- Encyclopedia of world cultures / David Levinson, editor in chief. -- Boston, Mass. : G.K. Hall, 1991-1996.
Memorial Library Reference Room 262: GN307 E53 1991
College Library Reference Area Collection: GN307 E53 1991
- Narody Rossii : entsiklopediia / glavnyi redaktor V.A. Tishkov ; redaktsionnaia kollegiia V.A. Aleksandrov ... . -- Moskva ; Nauch. izd-vo Bolshaia rossiiskaia entsiklopediia, 1994.
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: DK510.33 N33 1994
Subject Overview Texts
Several subject overview texts are available to researchers as well, including one published in English by M.E. Sharpe Inc., called Culture Incarnate: Native Anthropology from Russia, in which non-Russian ethnic minorities discuss their own cultures' folklore, rituals, ethnography, etc. Russian publications which focus more on political anthropology and philosophical anthropology, respectively, are Drevneishie gosudarstva Vostochnei Evropy (Ancient States of Eastern Europe), and Chelovek v kontekste kultury: slavianskii mir (The Individual in the Cultural Context: The Slavic World).
- Chelovek v kontekste kul'tury : slavianskii mir/ . -- Moskva : Izd-vo "Indrik", 1995. (Bibliot'eka Instituta slavianovedeniia i balkanistiki)
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: GN549 S6 C44 1995
- Culture incarnate : native anthropology from Russia / edited by Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer. -- Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c1995.
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: DK510.33 C85 1995
- Drevneishie gosudarstva Vostochnoi Evropy / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk, Institut rossiiskoi istorii. 1991- -- Moskva : Nauka, 1994-
Memorial Library Stacks Regular Stacks: GN492 D74
Unfortunately, only one periodical publication is available on campus in the area of Anthropology, a journal on Russian civilization, entitled Mir Rossii: sotsiologiia, etnologiia, kul'turalogiia (Universe of Russia: Sociology, Ethnology, Culture Studies). Although the text is in Russian, a table of contents in Russian and in English is provided. Recent articles include "Russia's calamitous years (historical transformations, crisis, values, and perspectives)," "Origins of ethnic conflict in Tataria," and "Social and social-psychological mechanisms of formation of the social identification of the individual."
- Mir Rossii = Universe of Russia. Tom 1, no.1 (1992)- -- Moskva : RID "Imidzh", 1992-
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: AP M6713 R8345
Guides to the Literature
Although not a general bibliography of Eastern European anthropology, Novaia literatura po sotsialnym i gumanitarnym naukam. Istoriia, arkheologiia, i etnologiia (New Literature in the Social Sciences and Humanities: History, Archeology and Ethnology) is a comprehensive, well-organized international bibliography of research in fields related to and overlapping with Anthropology. This publication is ordered by subject, and is indexed by subject, country of publication, and author, and likewise provides a detailed annotation for each citation. Subject headings are in English and Russian, to allow for easy scanning by non-native readers of Russian.
- Novaia literatura po sotsialnym i gumanitarnym naukam. Istoriia, arkheologiia, i etnologiia / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk, Institut nauchnoi informatsii po obshchestvennym naukam. 1993, 1- -- Moskva : INION, 1993-
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: AP N9374 L7791