Resources on Psychology in REECA Studies in UW-Madison Libraries

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For social scientists interested in the Slavic or Eastern European perspective on Psychology, there are, unfortunately, few resources on campus. This situation will perhaps improve now that the Soviet period has ended and Eastern European scholars have more opportunity to conduct research of interest to an international audience.

Subject Overview Texts

Researchers are well-served by several new monographs covering some of the most recent developments in Russian European Psychology. Interestingly, all three books treat the subject of politics or political change and its effects on the Russian psyche: The Psychology of Post-Totalitarianism in Russia, Post-Soviet Perspectives on Russian Psychology, and Imidzh reform: psikhologia i kul'tura peremen v Rossii (Image of Reforms: The Psychology and Culture of Change in Russia).

Kramnik, V. V. (Valerii Viktorovich) Imidzh reform : psikhologiia i kul'tura peremen v Rossii / V.V. Kramnik. --Sankt-Peterburg : Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta ekonomiki i finansov, 1995.
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: DK510.6 K73 1995

Post-Soviet perspectives on Russian psychology / edited by Vera A. Koltsova ... . -- Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1996. (Contributions in psychology, 0736-2714 ; no. 31)
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: HM22 R9 M38 1993

Gozman, L. IA. The psychology of post-totalitarianism in Russia / by Leonid Gozman & Alexander Etkind ; translated by Roger Clarke ; preface by Charles Janson. -- London : Centre for Research into Communist Economies, 1992. (New series ; 7)
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: DK286 G69 1992


Researchers may consult a yearly bibliography put out by the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences called Psikhologiia: ukazatel literatury (Psychology: An Index to the Literature). This bibliography indexes all research in the field of Psychology published in the former Soviet republics which has come to the attention of the Institute.

Psikhologiia : ukazatel literatury za 1994 g. / sostavitel': Kalika IU.A. -- Moskva : Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk, 1995.
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: BF108 R8 P73 1994


Although many journals have ceased publication since the demise of the Soviet Union, in many cases, American publishers have attempted to fill the gap. One such journal is the Journal of Russian and East European Psychology. This journal, published by M.E. Sharpe, is a journal of article translations from premier Russian and Eastern European publications. Fields covered range from Economic Psychology to Developmental Psychology.

Journal of Russian and East European Psychology. -- Armonk, NY : M.E. Sharpe, Inc., c1992- -- Vol. 30, no. 1 (Jan.-Feb. 1992)-
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: AP J83 R969

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