Resources on Sociology in REECA Studies in UW-Madison Libraries

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Although there is not large collection of materials in Eastern European Sociology, there are enough available on campus American researchers to keep abreast of Eastern European scholarship.

Subject Overview Texts

Istoriia russkoi sotsiologii (History of Russian Sociology) is a wonderful resource for scholars who read Russian and wish to learn about the roots of Sociology in Russia and recent developments in the field. This volume is meant to be a textbook for upper-level undergraduates, and would therefore be a highly accessible introductory text for an outsider to the field. A similar text with a more modern focus which encompasses all of Central and Eastern Europe, is an anthology of articles entitled Eastern Europe in Transformation: The Impact on Sociology. This book explores the influence of social and political structures on Sociology before, during, and after Communism, and addresses the issues facing contemporary Eastern and Central European Sociology.

astern Europe in transformation : the impact on sociology / edited by Mike Forest Keen and Janusz Mucha. -- Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1994. (Contributions in sociology, 0084-9278 ; no. 109)
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: HM47 E852 E27 1994

Medushevskii, A. N. (Andrei Nikolaevich) Istoriia russkoi sotsiologii / A.N. Medushevskii. -- Moskva : Vysshaia shkola, 1993.
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: HM22 R9 M38 1993


As is the case in many of the Social Science disciplines, the Institute of Scientific Information on the Social Sciences publishes a periodical guide to the literature for the field of Sociology in Russia -- Sotsilogicheskie issledovaniia v Rossii (Sociological Research in Russia). This volume is a collection of articles summarizing the various contemporary issues in Russian sociological research, together with abstracts of the newest publications. Topics covered in the latest edition include "the army and society," and "women and social change."

Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia v Rossii / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk, Institut nauchnoi informatsii po obshchestvennym naukam. Vyp. 2- -- Moskva : Institut, 1993- (Seriia Sotsiologiia)
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: HN521 S63


For Russian readers, a journal of Russian sociological research is available, entitled Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia (Sociological Research). Recent articles cover such topics as the political and ethno-religious aspects of the Yugoslav conflict, modern barriers to sociological study, and the use of computers in sociological research. A popular journal of Political Sociology is Sotsialno-politicheskii zhurnal (Socio-political Journal). As the name suggests, this publication reports on political issues from a sociological perspective. Articles include "Politika i moral (Politics and Morality)," "Sotsialnaia struktura : statusy i roli (Social Structure: Status and Roles)." A journal which lies on the threshold between Sociology and Economics is Obshchestvo i ekonomika (Society and Economics). The stated goal of the journal is to examine the problems of societal development with special attention paid to economic aspects.

Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia. -- [Moskva, Nauka] --1974-
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: AP S7196 I86

Sotsialno-politicheskii zhurnal. Began in 1992. -- Moskva : "Sotsial'no-politicheskii zhurnal"
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: AP S71942 P7694

Obshchestvo i ekonomika. 1992, 1-2- -- Moskva : "Nauka", 1992-
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: AP O1453 I101

Sotsial'no-politicheskii zhurnal. -- Moskva : "Sotsial'no-politicheskii zhurnal", 1992-
Memorial Library Regular Stacks: AP S71942 P7694

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