Electronic Resources on Ukraine, and Belarus
Cyrillic fonts have been downloaded onto UW-Madison Electronic Library Workstations, but library users wishing to view sites in Cyrillic must choose these fonts manually. In Netscape, font settings are changed through the "Options" pull-down menu. Choose "Options," "General Preferences," and then "Fonts." At this point you must choose both a proportional and a fixed font. It is not uncommon for a single site to use more than one font in a single file, for example, one for text, and another for links. In such cases, a KOI-8 might be chosen for as a proportional font, and a 1251 as a fixed font, or vice versa.
Please note that when using the Cyrillic fonts you will be able to display non-Cyrillic characters, however, the display looks a bit odd. For this reason, you may want to change back to the default set of fonts after viewing Cyrillic web pages.
Good luck!
For information about downloading Cyrillic fonts onto your home computer, please
consult our page about how to download Cyrillic fonts
Ukrainian Newspapers
Faks-gazeta: daidzhest ekonomicheskikh novostei - http://www.ukraine.org/press.html - Available daily from the "Ukrainian Press" website, in Russian. Uses KOI-8 fonts.
Kievskie vedemosti - http://www.ukraine.org/press.html - Available daily from the "Ukrainian Press" website, in Russian. Uses KOI-8 fonts.
Krymskoe vremia - http://www.cris.net/time/ - In Russian. Uses Windows-1251 or KOI-8 fonts.
Litsa - http://www.ukraine.org/press.html - Available weekly from the "Ukrainian Press" website, in Russian. Uses KOI-8 fonts.
Ukrainian Financial Monitor - http://www.ukraine.org/www.ukrainet.lviv.ua/ufm/ufm.html - "Current official rates of the National Bank of Ukraine, results of trading on the Ukrainian Interbank Currency Exchange, as well as street market rates in Lviv." Published weekdays, in English.
The Ukrainian Weekly -
http://www.tryzub.com/UFPWWW_Etc/CURRENT.html - News for the Ukrainian diaspora published in Jersey City, New Jersey - A sample current issue and information on how to subscribe. There is also an Archival Site for the Ukrainian Weekly.
Vechirnii Kyiv - http://www.ukraine.org/press.html - Available daily from the "Ukrainian Press" website, in Ukrainian. Uses KOI-8 fonts.
Vseukrainskie vedomosti - http://www.ukraine.org/press.html - Available daily from the "Ukrainian Press" website, in Russian. Uses KOI-8 fonts.
Zerkalo nedeli - http://www.ukraine.org/press.html - Available weekly from the "Ukrainian Press" website, in Russian. Uses KOI-8 fonts.
Ukrainian Journals and Magazines
Office Magazine -http://www.gu.kiev.ua/officemag/ - A journal covering issues of the modern office setting. In Russian. Uses KOI-8 fonts.
Belarusian Newspapers
Belorusskaia delovaia gazeta - http://www.gis.minsk.by/gis-server/press/bdg/ - Uses Windows-1251 fonts.
Belorusskaia gazeta - http://www.gis.minsk.by/gis-server/press/bg/ - A newspaper on finance, economics, politics, and culture. Uses Windows-1251 fonts.
Belorusskii rynok: Ezhenedel'naia analitecheskaia gazeta dlia delovykh liudei - http://www.gis.minsk.by/gis-server/press/market/ - Uses Windows-1251 fonts.
Imia: gazeta dlia tekh, kto umeet chitat' - http://www.gis.minsk.by/gis-server/press/name/ - Uses Windows-1251 fonts.
Minsk Economic News - http://www.css.minsk.by/Publications/MinskEconomicNews/ - An English-language newspaper published out of Minsk - To access issues published in recent months, you must register (it's free).
Svaboda - http://www.gis.minsk.by/gis-server/press/svaboda/ - In Belarusian, Windows-1251 fonts work relatively well.
Vechernii Minsk - http://www.belarus.net/minsk_ev/ - One of Belarus's most popular daily papers. Available in English.
Related Internet Sites
Belorusian Information Web Site - http://www.gis.minsk.by/index.htm - Uses Windows-1251 fonts.