Ukraine and Belarus
East Central Europe
Central Asia and Caucasus
Baltic Countries


Memorial Library
Business Library
Chazen Museum
College Library
Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection
Kohler Art Library
Law Library
Map Library
Music Library
Pushkin Collection
Steenbock Library


Electronic Journals & Academic databases
Online Newspapers
Library Catalogs
Archive Guides
Reference Bibliographies
Cyrillic Fonts



Memorial Library Special Collections in REECA Studies

yellow ballCossack Collection

yellow ballKomadinić Collection

yellow ballLatvian Collection

yellow ballLithuanian Collection (Senn Collections I-II)

yellow ballRussian Underground Collection

yellow ballRusso-Japanese War Collection

Cossack Collection

The Cossack Collection is based on the private libraries of Khariton Ivanovich Popov, Petr Kharitonovich Popov, and Sergeĭ Grigorʹevich Svatikov, and is representative of the publications issued by Cossacks between 1919-1939 in Rostov on the Don, Paris, and Prague. It consists 154 items, including histories of pre-revolutionary Cossack life in Russia, and of many publications of Cossack emigres, with particular emphasis on those who emigrated to Paris and Prague. The collection is divided into five parts (A-E): A, Don Cossacks, History to 1917 (49 titles) -- B, Don Cossacks and Communism (34 titles) -- C, Don Cossacks intellectual life (15 titles) -- D, Periodicals (45 titles) -- E, Miscellaneous (11 titles). The collection is housed in the Department of Special Collections, on the ninth floor of Memorial Library.

Komadinić Collection

The Komadinić Collection in Balkan social and political history includes publications and pamphlets of peasant, socialist and other radical movements of the last half of the nineteenth century up to World War II. It consists of some 7,000 items, mostly in Serbo-Croatian, and is based on the private library of Milan Komadinić (1882-1944), the founder and organizer of the first zadrugarstvo (a kind of cooperative) in Serbia. The collection was further developed by Slobodan Komadinić (1912-1979), the son of Milan Komadinić, and was subsequently purchased by the UW-Madison library. The collection is housed in the Department of Special Collections, on the ninth floor of Memorial Library.
SC CA 11000- 12831

Latvian Collection

The Latvian Collection consists of over 100 items published between 1905-1939. The collection includes works of literature, and works dealing with politics and governement. The collection is housed in the Department of Special Collections, on the ninth floor of Memorial Library.

Lithuanian Collection (Senn Collections I-II)

The Lithuanian Collection consists of 132 volumes, mostly in Lithuanian, from the period of independence, 1920-1940. The collection was developed by prominent Indo-European languages professor Alfred Senn (1899-1978). Alfred Erich Senn (1932-2016), the son of Professor Alfred Senn, added to the collection materials documenting the independence movement of Lithuania. The collection is housed in the Department of Special Collections, on the ninth floor of Memorial Library.
Drawer 376

Russian Underground Collection

The Russian Underground Collection includes materials on the Russian Revolutionary Movement from 1825-1917, and includes a considerable number of Free Press publications. The collection contains about 100 journals, many political tracts, leaflets, broadsides and brochures of various political groups, socialists, and religious nonconformists (Lev Tolstoy), including first printings of works by Lenin, Trotsky, and Plehkanov which document the 1905 split of the Russian Social Labor Party. The Underground Collection likewise contains a large number of satirical journals which appeared between 1905-1907. The collection is housed in the Department of Special Collections, on the ninth floor of Memorial Library.
Drawers 375-376.

Russo-Japanese War (Japan in Conflict) Collection

The Department of Special Collections holds many items related to the Russo-Japanese War. These are part of a larger collection called "Japan in Conflict". In addition to the physical materials held in Special Collections, a subset of the "Japan in Conflict" collection has been digitized. This digital collection contains about 60 original Russian placards about the war, artistic representations of Russo-Japanese battles and leaders as well as monographs such as the "Album de la guerre russo-japonaise = روسیه و ژاپنیا محاربه سی سینه عاید رسمی مجموعه سی ".


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Last modified: Feb. 1, 2024