Ukraine and Belarus
East Central Europe
Central Asia and Caucasus
Baltic Countries


Memorial Library
Business Library
Chazen Museum
College Library
Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection
Kohler Art Library
Law Library
Music Library
Pushkin Collection
Steenbock Library


Electronic Journals & Academic databases
Online Newspapers
Library Catalogs
Archive Guides
Reference Bibliographies
Cyrillic Fonts



Resources on Baltic Countries

The library has been steadily collecting Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian materials for several decades. Lithuanian materials number approximately 10,000, Latvian materials -- 7,500, and Estonian -- almost 3,000 titles, with many of the major titles in Latvian and Lithuanian literature and history represented.

Valters Nollendorfs, Professor Emeritus of German Literature, and Valdis J. Zeps (1932-1996), Professor of Slavic and Baltic Languages and Linguistics, were instrumental in the acquisition of Latvian emigre books for Memorial Library.

The Latvian collection was enhanced by the substancial donation of Latvian literature and Latvian religious materials from the family of Angelika (Blaus) Klavins (1910-1906), Ruta Klavins Gulbis (1937-2015) and Talivaldis Gulbis (1920-1981).

The Department of Special Collections houses both a Latvian collection and the Alfred Senn Collection, a collection of Lithuanian materials consisting of 132 volumes, mostly in Lithuanian, from the period of independence, 1920-1940. Beginning in 1972, Alfred Erich Senn (1932-2016), the son of Professor Alfred Senn (1899-1978) added to the collection materials documenting the independence movement of Lithuania.

The acquisition of materials from these countries continues through exchanges with their libraries.
Baltic Journals

UW-Madison Libraries | MadCat | Journal Citation Search | Campus Libraries


Last modified: December 14, 2023














Archeologiniai tyrinejimai Lietuvoje Auseklis The Baltic observer
The Baltic review Daugava Domas
Gimtoji kalba Humanities and social sciences Jaunoji Lietuva
Kosmos Krantai Latvia, Baltic state
Latvijas v¯estures instit¯uta zurn¯als Lietuvos mokslas Lietuvos TSR aukstuju mokyklu mokslo darbai
Lituanistica / Lietuvos Mokslu akademija Litva literaturnaia Menotyra
Metai : Lietuvos Rasytoju sajungos menrastis Revue baltique Science and arts of Lithuania
Soter Tribuna Vilnius