Ukraine and Belarus
East Central Europe
Central Asia and Caucasus
Baltic Countries


Memorial Library
Business Library
Chazen Museum
College Library
Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection
Kohler Art Library
Law Library
Music Library
Pushkin Collection
Steenbock Library


Electronic Journals & Academic databases
Online Newspapers
Library Catalogs
Archive Guides
Reference Bibliographies
Cyrillic Fonts



Resources on Central Asia and the Caucasus

The Library's holdings from the Central Asian region numbers at approximately 10,000 volumes, and focuses on history, politics, and literature. The library has been acquiring Russian-language materials about and from Central Asia for many years. The Library also acquires materials in the Turkic languages of Kazakh, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Azeri, Tatar, Turkmen, and Uighur. The library also collects materials in the Tajik language. The Center for Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CREECA) serves to coordinate course offerings and research in Central Asian studies on campus. Materials relating to Armenia and Georgia are not collected at the research level and vernacular Armenian and Georgian materials are only collected on a small scale, with the exception of dictionaries. Materials in Turkish are also collected and number more than 7,000 titles.

Journals | Microfilm collection

UW-Madison Libraries | MadCat | Journal Citation Search | Campus Libraries



Last modified: March 11, 2024












Central Asia and the Caucasus Central Asia Central Asia monitor
Central Asia quarterly labyrinth Central Asian survey Central Asia today
Journal of Asian civilisations Journal of Central Asia Bulletin of the Georgia Academy of Science
Qazaq tarikhy Izvestiia Akademii nauk Turkmenskoi SSR Turkmenistan SSR ylymlar akademiiasynyng khabarlary