- Russian materials in Special Collections, The University Archives and the Kohler Art Library
- The Department of Special Collections
holds several unique Russian collections.
The Russian Underground Collection is a singular collection of pamphlets
and illegal materials from 19th- and early 20th-century Russia, known as
Vol'naia pechat'. Special Collections has a number of other important
collections of materials on Russia and the former Soviet Union, including
a collection on Cossacks, the Prince Romanovskii Collection (the library
of a high Russian bureaucrat), and a rich collection of Pushkiniana,
reputed to be the best in the U.S. In addition, the library holds an extensive
collection of samizdat materials from the 1970s and early 1980s,
a good collection of unofficial newspapers from the former Soviet Union
dating from the late 1980s and early 1990s, and a substantial collection
of newspapers from the former Soviet republics from the late 1980s.
Special Collections also holds a collection of material relating to the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) both from the viewpoints of Russia as well as Japan.
A portion of the Russo-Japanese War material has been digitized as part of the Japan in Conflict" digital collection.
The library likewise contains a significant collection of emigre materials published abroad after the Revolution.
- The Granick archival collection deserves special mention,
as it is a truly unique body of materials encompassing the entire region. It consists of
eighteen boxes of primary source material used by Professor David Granick in his
works on management practices in socialist economies, including his numerous
interviews with socialist managers in the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe,
and China. The Granick collection is held in the University Archives.
- Extensive materials on Russian art have been collected since
1964 and are stored in the Kohler Art Library.
Last modified: December 14, 2023