Ukraine and Belarus
East Central Europe
Central Asia and Caucasus
Baltic Countries


Memorial Library
Business Library
Chazen Museum
College Library
Geography Library
Helen Louise Allen Textile Collection
Kohler Art Library
Law Library
Music Library
Pushkin Collection
Steenbock Library


Electronic Journals & Academic databases
Online Newspapers
Library Catalogs
Archive Guides
Reference Bibliographies
Cyrillic Fonts



Geography Library
Books, atlases, journals, and documents in geography of the natural and man-made environments, in cartography, and in geographic information systems are collected. With the exception of those published with journals and books, maps and aerial photographs are collected in the Robinson Map Library, 310 Science Hall.

The Geography Library of the University of Wisconsin-Madison collects books, journals, and atlases in the geography of Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia, including former Soviet republics and Eastern Bloc nations. Most of the publications are in English and almost all are written by geographers. There are a considerable number of works in the languages of these areas, which were gifts to the library or were purchased when budgets were less constrained.

The principal journal for REECA Studies is the run of "Soviet geography" and its successor titles: "Post-Soviet geography", "Post-Soviet geography and economics" and "Eurasian geography and economics". The library has print runs of several Russian and Polish journals, including "Acta geologica polonica," "Acta palaeontologica polonica," "Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Earth Science Sections," "Dokumentacja geograficzna," and others.


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Last modified: Feb. 17, 2017